The Sandcastle Stampers!

When I signed up to become a Close to My Heart Consultant, I did it purely for the discount.  But then, I discovered that I could actually build my very own business!  I have been blessed by new friendships - both with customers as well as other consultants.  I was lucky enough to win a Spa Scrapbook weekend (which I attended in October 2010) where I met 10 of the most fabulous women that you'd ever want to know.  (We've made plans already to meet in Disneyland at Convention in July 2011). Now, I'm working hard to earn this year's incentive trip - a cruise in the Hawaiian Islands.  Wouldn't you love to own your own business and join me in this exciting journey?  I would love to have you join my team, the Sandcastle Stampers! 

Close to My Heart is perfect for you if:
  • You want to build your own business with home gatherings, workshops and clubs.  Increase your income while doing something that you love!  You can set your own hours, when it's convenient for you and your family!
  • You love digital scrapbooking.  Studio J makes it easy - it's entirely online!  You can sell, build a team and generate revenues even with limited time and money.
  • You have a group of friends that loves to get together and scrapbook or make cards.  Using the Workshop on the Go is a great option for you.  You'll have a new project each month, and it's a great value for your friends! 
  • You want to order items for yourself at a discount because you love the products.  If you fall below the quarterly minimum, you'd get a 10% discount if you order at least $100 per quarter.  If you reach the $300 quarterly minimum again after that, you'd bump back up on your next order after you meet the minimum!

Minimums are just $300 each calendar quarter to maintain a discount of 22% (with additional commission possible based on sales).  That's just $100 per month to meet the minimum each quarter!  

Close to My Heart offers incredible training and I'm here to support you in your business.  I'm available to help you get started and answer any questions you may have! I have a team website to share my templates of classes that I have put together as well as share tips and ideas. I am available by phone, cell phone, and email to help you in any way that you need.  I will work with you based on your wants and needs.  If you want to talk weekly, we can set up a time to do that.  If you're more the type that likes to dig in without someone nearby, then I can be that type of upline as well.  I think that each person has a different need from an upline - I'm available to work with you to meet your needs! Want to see the kit and current specials?  Check here!

I'd love to have you join the Sandcastle Stampers!  If you're ready to sign up right now, you can click this link.  Just a few questions and you're on your way to owning your own business! 

Need more information?  Then email me with your telephone number, and I'll call you!


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